Friday, November 2, 2012

Week 8 Reflecton

This week we worked on forces both balanced and unbalanced.  I personally had to be part of a group that was giving an example of balanced forces.  Me and three other members of the football team had to lay against each other and try to lift our selves off of the chairs that we were sitting on.  It was actually kind of cool how well it worked.  The reason that we did this was in order to show how can't always be balanced alone.  We balanced  only because half of our body was on someone else, if someone else were to try to do what we did alone it would never work.

The only way that you can know if something is going a constant velocity is if the forces are balanced.  If the forces are not then the object being effected will either speed up or slow down.  For example if I'm 10,000 feet in the air on an airplane and jump out since gravity is pulling me down and nothing is keeping me up, i will continue to move faster and faster until i reach what is called terminal velocity.  Once i pull my parachute then i will drastically slow down because again the forces are not even.  The force that i am getting pulled down by (Earth) is being more balanced by the pulling up of my parachute, so i fall slowly.

I also got my grades from this quarter.  I am very very pleased.  I have an A- in the class and am very happy with my progress.  I got all 3s and 4s mostly 4s.  I only got one or two 2s which i thought was understandable.  I feel like i could do better still.  I am going to work even harder next quarter to do better and continue learning in team physics

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